Monday, September 3, 2012

Getting fit and the mid-life crisis

I turned 45 on August 18th.  I think that, along with being thrown head first in to the beginnings of Menopause, has set in to play a bit of a mid-life crisis.  Now, I'm not completely sure what a mid-life crisis entails, but I'm mostly positive that's where I'm at.  Since I don't know how to ride a motorcycle, I think it's safe to say I won't run out and buy one of those.  And since I can barely make ends meet, buying a fancy schmancy new sports car is out too (which is a big bummer for me - I like cars.  I particularly like fast ones).

So I'm left with trying to figure out how to channel all the feelings that come with my mid-life crisis.  I'm not feeling complete.  I have tried to find some hobbies, but haven't yet.  I thought about studying art, but I really don't care about brush strokes and the genius of most artists.  I like pretty pictures for what they are; pretty pictures.  I don't want to know what the artist was thinking when he/she painted it.  That's their thing and unless I know that person, I have no idea and am not going to guess.  I have found that I like some artists more than others and may pursue that here and there (ie Vassily Kadinsky).  I thought of studying History and am leaning towards studying the History of Hungary and my family tree.  I like that one.  And I would like to get my degree.  I just don't know when and how yet.   Add in there those fun symptoms of peri-Menopause and there may be some more challenges than optimal.  I cry at the drop of a hat, can't remember one thing from the next and I get pissed off pretty easily - I'm such a joy to be around!  Yay me :) 

The other thing is I worry about being elderly and alone.  It involves a lot of things that one might not consider until there and then it could be too late.  So, I need to make some changes.  That starts with my health. I don't want to be house-bound and unable to function in society due to not being healthy and being afraid to be in public (which is an entirely different issue for me).  Therefore, I am going to start running and exercising.  I start tomorrow for the most part - Tuesday 9/4/12.  My goal is to run a half marathon by April at the latest.  My secondary goal is to be able to do 20 pushups and 50 situps with no pain.  This might be harder considering the hernia that the doctor does not believe I have, but I will manage.  So, here is my game plan:  I will start on the treadmill to build up stamina and until I can get shoes that will absorb the shock of pavement running.  Maybe I'll alternate days, not sure yet.   But I'll start with the following:

Currently, I can do less than 1/4 of a push up and I can run for 4 minutes.  I think.  at 4.4mph.

Mon - walk 3, run 5, walk 5, run 3, walk 15
     Pushups - 1
Tue - walk 5, run 5, walk 5, run 4, walk 10
     Pushups - 1
Wed - walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 5, walk 6
     Pushups - 1
     Sit ups - 5
Thu  - walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 5, walk 6
     Pushups - 1
     Sit ups - 5
Fri - walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 5, walk 6
      Pushups - 2
     Sit ups - 5
Sat/Sun - rest

Mon - walk 5, run 10, walk 5, run 5, walk 5
Tue - walk 5, run 10, walk 5, run 5, walk 5
Wed - walk 5, run 12, walk 5, run 7, walk 5
Thu - walk 5, run 12, walk 5, run 7, walk 5
Fri - walk 5, run 12, walk 5, run 7, walk 5
Sat/Sun - rest

Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat/Sun - rest

I'll check in after each week to document my actual progress vs. my listed game plan.  I need to get rid of my wings, the extra cushion on my upper body and lose weight.

Wish me well...